Pittsburgh Program
Program Overview
A pdf version of the Final Progam is available here.
Thursday, 15 October
8 am-5 pm
Executive Council Meeting (open to all members), Duquesne Room
8 am-5 pm�
Conference Registration, North Lobby Concourse
12-5 pm
Editorial Board Meeting
IEEE Annals of Computer History, Birmingham Room
Afternoon Tours��������
12:30 Fallingwater
12:45 Steel Valley
1:00 Pittsburgh’s East End Cultural Amenities: Vestiges of the Pittsburgh Coal, Iron, and Steel Barons
All tours depart from the Liberty Avenue hotel exit PROMPTLY at the times listed. Boxes lunches available at the time of booking.
5.30 pm
Shuttle buses to the Senator John Heinz History Center depart from the Liberty Avenue hotel exit.
The Center is located at 1212 Smallman Street. In good weather, it is about a 17 minute walk from the hotel. Maps are available in the Registration packet.
7-8 pm
Plenary Session, Senator John Heinz History Center, featuring Brian Hayes (2006 Sally Hacker Prize winner and senior writer, American Scientist): "Industrial America Seen Through a Chain-Link Fence."
8-10 pm
Opening Reception, Senator John Heinz History Center
9.00-10.15 pm
Buses depart from the Heinz History Center for the hotel
Friday, 16 October
6.30 am
Conference Registration open
6.30-9 am
Tour of Pittsburgh’s Strip Ethnic Food District Tour. Bus departs from the Liberty Avenue exit of the hotel.
7-8.30 am
Breakfast: Graduate Students (please register in advance), LeBateau Room.
8.00 am-5.00 pm
Registration, Ballroom Lobby
Book Exhibit, Heinz and Allegheny Rooms
8.30-10 am
Sessions 1-7
10-10.30 am
Meet the SIGs Coffee Break, Ballroom Lobby
10.30 am-12.30 pm
Sessions 8-15
Walking Tour of Pittsburgh’s Old Financial District
12.30-2 pm
Lunch: Overview of Funding Opportunities with the National Science Foundation, Mike Gorman (Program Officer, STS, NSF), LeBateau Room
Lunch: Asia Network, meet Suzanne Moon in hotel Lobby
Lunch: Computers, Information, and Society SIG, Sterling 1 (Lobby level behind elevators)
Lunch: Tensions of Europe Group, King’s Garden North
Lunch: Women in Technological History (WITH), King’s Garden South
2.00-4.00 pm
Walking Tours of Pittsburgh’s Old Financial District, led by Mark Samber. Meet at Liberty Avenue hotel exit.
2-3.30 pm
Sessions 16-23
Sidney Edelstein Book Prize Roundtable
3.30-4 pm
Coffee break, Ballroom Lobby
4-5.30 pm
Plenary Honoring Winner of Leonardo da Vinci Medal, Ballroom 3 and 4, Steve Usselman (Georgia Tech) presiding, Susan J. Douglas (University of Michigan) recipient
5.30-7 pm
Pretzels, Beer, and Syllabi: Teaching the History of Technology, Kings Garden North and South
9-11 pm
Three Rivers Cruise and Dessert Buffet. Departs from Roberto Clemente Bridge Pier, 6th Street and Fort Duquesne Blvd. Maps for the 5 minute walk from the hotel are printed on the back of the event ticket.
9-12 pm
Hospitality Suite, Kings Garden North
Saturday, 17 October
7-8.30 am
Breakfast: International Scholars (by invitation only), Stanwix
Breakfast: Envirotech SIG, Kings Garden South
Editorial Board Breakfast (by invitation only), Forbes Room
8.00 am-5.00 pm
Registration, Ballroom Lobby
Book Exhibit open, Heinz and Allegheny Rooms
8.30-10 am
Sessions 24-30
10-10.30 am
Coffee break, Ballroom Lobby
10-12.00 pm
Films of Pittsburgh factory workers made in 1904: A Screening and Discussion. Julian Reitman (Independent Scholar), Brigade Room
Walking Tour of Three Rivers Bridges, Larry Cartwright (Carnegie Mellon University). Departs from the Liberty Avenue hotel exit.
10.30 am-12.30 pm
Sessions 31-38
12.30-2 pm
Lunch: Members Meeting (all welcome with light lunch), LeBateau Room
Lunch: Mercurians and Jovians SIG: meet Andy Butrica and Jonathan Coopersmith in the Main Lobby to walk to a local restaurant.
Lunch: Prometheans SIG: meet Jack brown in the Main Lobby to walk to a local restaurant.
Lunch: TEMSIG: meet Allison Marsh in the Main Lobby to walk to a local restaurant.
2-3.30 pm
Sessions 39-46
3.30-4 pm
Coffee break, Ballroom Lobby
4-5.30 pm
Sessions 47-54
6-7 pm
Cocktail Reception, Ballroom Lobby (International Table Silent Auction closes before Banquet)
7-9.30 pm
Awards Banquet, LeBateau and Kings Garden South
9-12 am
Hospitality Suite, Kings Garden North (Items won from International Table Silent Auction can be picked up here)
Sunday, October 18
8.30 am-12 noon
Registration, East Lobby concourse
8 am-9.00 am
ALBATROSSES (Aviation and Aerospace History), breakfast: meet in the Main Lobby of the hotel.
Ad Astra: Reports from Graduate Students and recent post-Docs, Duquesne Room
8.30 am-11.30 am
Prometheans: Engineering Pittsburgh, Walking Tour of the Renaissance City, led by Joel Tarr (Carnegie Mellon University), meet in the Benedum Room
9.00 am-10.30 am
ENVIROTECH: Taking Risks: New Directions in the History of Technology and Environment, Brigade Room
9.00 am-11.30 am
10.45 am-11.00 am
11.00 am-12.00 noon
SMiTIng, the SHOT Military Technology Interest Group; JOVIANS & MERCURIANS: Topics in the History of military technology. Birmingham Room
Coffee Break, East Lobby Concourse
Roundtable: Why should we study the ‘social’ history of military technology? Birmingham Room
9.00 am-10.30 am
TEMSIG: Roundtable on "Public Historians of Technology: A Cross-Discipline, Rivers Room
9.00 am-10.30 am
WITH: Gender and Career Perspectives, Traders Room
Computers, Information and Society: A Special Workshop on Michael Mahoney and the Histories of Computing(s)
9.00 am-10.45 am
Plenary Session, Ft. Pitt Room
10.45 am-11.00 am
Coffee Break
11.00 am -12.30 pm
Paper Session: The Computings of Science, Smithfield Room
The Computings of Management, Ft. Pitt Room
12.30 pm-2.00 pm
Lunch Break
2.00 pm- 4.00 pm
Dissertation Session, Smithfield Room
Works in Progress, Ft. Pitt Room
4.00 pm-4.15 pm
Coffee Break, East Lobby Concourse
4.15 pm-5.45 pm
Political Institutions in the History of Computings, Smithfield Room
Computings as They Rose and Fell, Ft. Pitt Room
6.30 pm