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May 18th, 2024

ICOHTEC-SHOT Winter PhD School – Santiago de Chile 8-9 July 2024 – Apply now

The First joint ICOHTEC-SHOT Winter PhD School, held in Santiago de Chile, will combine the Joint Annual Meeting of ICOHTEC and SHOT in Viña del Mar (Chile), 9-14 July 2024, with a two-day intensive seminar, geared to PhD students and young post-doctoral scholars.

The Winter PhD School brings together seminars/tutorials for the students and the participation in the ICOHTEC-SHOT Symposium. The topic of the Winter School is: “Reparando / Repair en la Historia de la Tecnología” / “Reparando / Repair in the History of Technology”

The school enhances students’ skill to comprehend and study versatile relationships between society and technology. In particular, the Winter School aims to deal with these questions:


Intuitively, the phrase “Reparando / Repair en la Historia de la Tecnología” / “Reparando / Repair in the History of Technology”, refers to technological environments that require continual repair and maintenance in order to function. Yet the people on whom such repairs rely—along with their knowledge and labor— too often remain unseen and undervalued, becoming visible only in cases of infrastructural breakdown or spectacular disaster. The routine invisibility of repair facilitates grand proclamations of technological solutionism, distracting from the requirements for living equitably in an increasingly fragmented and fragile world.

How does our understanding of the history of technology change when we center repair and maintenance? Such a shift involves highlighting users and experiential knowledge. It opens up conceptions of what counts as technological knowledge and who counts as technological actors. Such themes have lurked in our field for some time, mounting in scale and significance over the last decade. Repair is now part of our vocabulary, here to stay. The time has come to make it the thematic core of our annual meeting & the Winter School aims to study relationships between technology and reparación /repairing from broad and many-sided viewpoints. It is open to versatile approaches and traditions.


The Winter PhD school ICOHTEC will be held in the Precolumbian Museum in Santiago de Chile Monday 8 and Morning Tuesday 9 July.

The Winter PhD School will take place in a bilingual environment of English and Spanish. This does not mean that every participant may use both idioms but that using one of them is enough to participate.

ICOHTEC can support 2 days of accommodation in Santiago de Chile (Sunday 7th, and Monday, 8th July). This does not include travel tickets or food. Please note that the maximum number of participants is 15 PhD students or recent PhD graduates.


PhD students and recent PhD graduates (2 years before) are invited to present their interest to participate. The selected participants have the opportunity to get comments and suggestions by senior researchers about their research in progress.

Please send a CV, the title of your proposed presentation, a summary of 300 words, and a letter of recommendation of your PhD supervisor to Nelson Arellano, Secretary-General of ICOHTEC (secretary-general@icohtec.org). Applications can be submitted until 31 May 2024.

Download the full call for applications, including a detailed program here.

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