Copenhagen SIGS
SHOT 2012
SIG Activities
The Albatrosses, whose interests cover all things related to aviation and aerospace, will have an informal breakfast on Sunday morning followed by its fourth annual roundtable session highlighting the current research of grad students and young scholars. If you are interested in presenting your work, please email Debbie Douglas. The breakfast will be held in the restaurant in the Radisson Blu Hotel, adjacent to the Copenhagen Business School. To join the Albatrosses email list, email Robert Ferguson.
Asia Network
To promote scholarship on Asian topics and to encourage historians from Asia to participate in our activities, SHOT members have formed the Asia Network.� In Copenhagen, network members will have a breakfast meeting on Sunday. The breakfast will be held in the restaurant in the Radisson Blu Hotel, adjacent to the Copenhagen Business School. Each person will pay individually. Members are also encouraged to participate in Sunday workshop "Historical and Contemporary Studies of Disasters," co-sponsored by Prometheans/SHOT Asia Network/Teach 3.11. The workshop will take place soon after the breakfast meeting and pre-registration is required. For more information on the group, visit their website or email Tae-Ho Kim.
The SIG on Computers, Information and Society (SIGCIS) will have a lunch on Friday. Each person will pay individually. SIGCIS is also organizing on Sunday a daylong workshop on the theme “"Information Identities: Historical Perspectives on Technological and Social Change."� For more details about the Sunday workshop, please visit their website. NOTE: if you are planning to attend this workshop, you need to register for the SHOT meeting and indicate on the registration form that you will be attending this event on Sunday.
The newest Special Interest Group, EDITH (Exploring Diversity in Technology’s History) supports both scholars and scholarship currently underrepresented in the history of technology and SHOT.� In Copenhagen, they will meet on Saturday over lunch. People interested in coming to lunch should meet Tisha Hooks and Anna �berg in the atrium of the Kilen Building (where the coffee breaks will be held during the conference) at 12.30 pm to walk to a local restaurant. Each person will pay individually. For more information about this group and its plans, please email Anna �berg or Tisha Hooks.
Envirotech will hold a breakfast meeting on Saturday morning.
The Jovians (electrical history) and the Mercurians (communications) will hold their traditional joint lunch-time meeting on Saturday. People interested in coming to lunch should meet Andy Butrica and Jonathan Coopersmith in the atrium of the Kilen Building (where the coffee breaks will be held during the conference) at 12.30 pm to walk to a local restaurant. Each person will pay individually.
This year, the Prometheans (SHOT’s Engineering SIG) will be holding an all-day workshop on “Historical and Contemporary Studies of Disasters,” as co-sponsored by the SHOT Asia Network and Teach 3.11. This will take place all day on Sunday. See the workshop website for further details, including the preliminary program and abstracts. Because this is a pre-circulated workshop, advance registration is required (seating is also limited). To sign up for the workshop email the program chair, Atsushi Akera. Note that if you are planning to attend this workshop, you must register for the SHOT meeting.�If you are only attending the Workshop on Sunday and not the rest of the SHOT meeting, please email Bernie Carlson to discuss registration.� Meanwhile, the group’s annual business meeting will take place on Saturday during lunch at a location to be determined. We will gather in the atrium of the Kilen Building (where the coffee breaks will be held during the conference) at 12.30 pm to walk to a local restaurant. Each person will pay individually. Please pre-register for the business meeting on the SHOT registration form so that we can choose an appropriate luncheon venue.
The Prometheans website is here
The website for the workshop is here
The website for Teach 3.11 is here
SMiTIng, the SHOT Military Technology Interest Group, will convene over drinks at 5:30 on Friday 5 October in the lobby bar of the Radisson Blu Hotel. For more information, please email Bart Hacker.
TEMSIG, the museum group, will meet for cocktails at 5:30 on Friday 5 October in the lobby bar of the Radisson Blu Hotel. Additional details will be posted on the SHOT website and will be communicated via the TEMSIG listserv. If you have any questions or wish to be added to the TEMSIG listserv, please email co-chairs Allison Marsh or Eric Nystrom.
Women in Technological History (WITH) will have a tapas lunch on Friday, 5 October at 12.30 pm in a room in the Kilen Building at CBS. The plan is to begin a discussion about the long-range goals of the SIG which will carry over to the WITH session scheduled for 2 PM on Friday. The cost of the lunch will be $38 for members and $19 for graduate students and underemployed scholars (thanks to support from the SIG). Please indicate on the registration form if you are planning to attend this lunch. For more information about WITH, please email Geoff Zylstra.
Note to SIG Leaders
In Copenhagen, there will be a meeting to discuss how we schedule future SIG events in order to avoid recurring scheduling difficulties.� We will send you an email in August or September about when this meeting will take place.