Special interest group (SIG) meetings
SHOT operates with organized special interest groups (SIGs). We encourage all new presenters to reach out to relevant special interest groups to explore additional opportunities for presenting their work and connecting with those with similar interests during the annual meeting.
SIG Chairs should contact the SHOT Secretariat directly regarding their annual business meetings, social events, and/or Sunday technical sessions and workshops during the time slots and space reserved for the Special Interest Groups.
Each SIG may also advance one traditional session and one unconventional session as “SIG sponsored sessions” for special consideration by the program committee. (Please indicate that this is the case in the session description.)
- SHOT allows the same speaker to present papers at consecutive meetings but turns down papers that are substantially the same as previously accepted ones. Any submission on the same topic should explain how the new paper differs from a prior presentation.
- Most pre-organized sessions, if accepted, will remain as proposed. Very rarely, one or more of the proposed papers may be rejected or moved to another session. Occasionally, the program committee may ask the session organizer to consider including an abstract submitted individually to the program committee that speaks directly to the theme of a proposed session. If you believe that your session can only work as a single unit, please specify “all or none,” with or without explanation, and the program committee will evaluate the session proposal as a unit.
- Individuals may present one titled paper and participate in two additional published roles that are listed in the regular portion of the annual meeting program. Additional roles include, and are not limited to session chair, commentator, panelist (including roundtables), and shorter (<10 minute) titled work-in-progress talks. Organizers with no other role in the session do not count in this regard, and thus may take on other conference roles.
- If you have specific requirements regarding accessibility, please include this information in the session proposal. We will do everything in our power to meet those requirements.
- Unless either the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or state and local guidelines dictate otherwise, SHOT 2023 Long Beach will primarily be an in-person gathering. Please expect masking to be required. As part of our commitment as an international academic society, we aim to make online access a regular feature of SHOT’s annual meetings, both for presenters and general conference participants. Concrete plans for remote and hybrid access during SHOT 2023 Long Beach are still under discussion. Requests for online or hybrid access can be specified in the online submission portal.