Special Events
Opening Plenary and Reception
Our annual meeting will kick off with a joint three-society plenary session, “Dealing with Disasters: Perspectives on Fukushima from the History and Social Studies of Science and Technology,” on Thursday night ay 6:00 pm in the Marriott Grand Ballroom. Following the plenary, the action moves to the Great Lakes Science Center for a lavish reception from 7:00 to 10:30 pm hosted by our local sponsor, Case Western Reserve University. The Great Lakes Science Center is a 10-minute walk from the Marriott, but there will also be shuttle buses to and from the reception. The fee for the reception is a very reasonable $10. You must register for this event in order to attend; please indicate your attendance on the registration form.
Graduate Student Breakfast
SHOT prides itself on being open and welcoming to new participants, especially graduate students. On Friday, 4 November at 7:00 am, currently-enrolled graduate students are cordially invited to meet the Society’s officers for a continental breakfast. Students from all three societies–SHOT, HSS, and 4S–are welcome to attend this free event. Graduate students will have a chance to meet each other, to learn about SHOT programs (including prizes and fellowships), and to find out about SHOT’s journal, Technology and Culture. This breakfast is free for currently-enrolled graduate students (please do not sign up if you are not eligible for this category). You must register for this event in order to attend; please indicate your attendance on the registration form.
International Scholars Breakfast
A key way that SHOT reaches out to historians of technology around the world is through its International Scholars program. Each incoming annual “class” of International Scholars is formally introduced at the Awards Banquet but to welcome them more personally, SHOT holds a breakfast for them each year. This year’s breakfast will be held on Friday, 4 November, at 7:00 am. If you are a new or former International Scholar (or a member of the Internationalization Committee), please email Chandra Bhimull by 1 October if you will be attending this breakfast.
Pretzels, Beer, and Syllabi: Teaching the History of Technology
Although many of us teach technological history, there isn’t always an the opportunity at the annual meeting to discuss the ideas and techniques we use to engage students. Introduced at the Pittsburgh meeting in 2009, this informal (some might say anarchical) event returns this year on Friday evening from 5:30-7:00 pm. This networking event is an opportunity for people to relax, trade stories, and exchange syllabi. Participants are encouraged to bring 20 copies of their course syllabi. Please email the session coordinator Bernie Carlson know in advance (before 1 October) if you will bring materials. We encourage you to bring a variety of syllabi–from both survey courses and special seminars–as well as materials that you use to reach nontraditional audiences (K-12, museum audiences, senior citizens). Folks are also welcome to bring their laptops to share PowerPoint slides or other digital materials. There will be a cash bar serving soft drinks, wine, and of course, beer.
A Conversation on Diversity–New
The issue of diversity within the SHOT community was raised at the 2010 Members’ Meeting in Tacoma. In response, former President Arne Kaijser appointed an ad hoc Committee on Diversity and asked them to prepare a report with recommendations for the Executive Council. Based on the committee’s report, the Council suggested that the ad hoc committee host an open meeting in Cleveland to discuss how SHOT and its members can facilitate greater participation within the profession by scholars of color, as well as greater engagement with issues of race in teaching and scholarship. In addition, building on the work already done by the Women in Technological History (WITH) special interest group, the ad hoc Committee invites consideration of issues of sexuality within the discipline. We encourage you to participate in this meeting–which is open to all members–on Friday, 4 November from 5:30-7:00 pm. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, please email Tisha Hooks.
Members’ Meeting
Are you interested in finding out about new SHOT initiatives? Thinking about volunteering to serve on one of the Society’s committees? Then please join us for the Members’ Meeting on Saturday, 5 November at 12:30 pm. In addition, all members are welcome to sit in on the Executive Council session scheduled for Thursday, 3 November, 8:00 am-5:00 pm.
How to Give an Effective Academic Talk–New
SHOT members pride themselves on giving effective and lively presentations. To help convey to graduate students and new members some of the techniques and tricks that go into an effective academic talk, we have invited Paul Edwards (University of Michigan) to offer a lunchtime workshop on this topic on Saturday from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Pizza will be provided.
Wine-Tasting Reception and Awards Banquet
SHOT will hold its annual Awards Banquet at 6:30 pm on Saturday at the Marriott. This year, the reception will feature an opportunity to sample wines from Ohio. Along with the wine tasting, we hope to allow you to receive a bottle of wine to enjoy during the banquet in return for a donation to the Society. The Awards Banquet is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy an evening with old and new friends, to show our appreciation to SHOT’s many volunteers, and to honor the recipients of our prizes and fellowships. As was the case last year, the awards ceremony will be brief so that while celebrating the achievements of the winners, there is also ample time for attendees to socialize. There will be a buffet with a selection of appetizers, beef and fish entr�es, plus an impressive dessert display. Tickets are $45 per person. Please sign up for the banquet on the registration form; note the space for indicating if you will be accompanied by a spouse or guest.
Asia Network Breakfast
The Asia Network of SHOT members–formed to promote scholarship on Asian topics and to encourage historians from Asia to participate in our activities–will meet over breakfast on Sunday, 6 November. If you wish to participate, please indicate your interest on the registration form. The charge for breakfast will be $18. For more information on the group, email Tae-Ho Kim.
Around the World in Eighty Artifacts–
Silent Auction
Last year, to honor our American attendees at SHOT in Tacoma, we hosted a fun and friendly silent auction where delegates brought a token of their state so attendees could all see from where their colleagues had traveled. Proceeds from the auction helped fund this year’s conference. This year’s theme embraces the world–a joint effort between overseas and US travelers! Please consider bringing something from your state or city (value no more than $15) to celebrate your origins; it can be as useful or as silly as you like. Besides enjoying the display of artifacts, a silent auction will take place and will close just before the Banquet. The artifacts will be on display throughout the conference in the main session area so everyone can participate. Opening bids will start at $5 and wrapping paper (including bubble wrap) will be provided to take your winnings home. If you have any questions, please email Jane Carlson.