Pittsburgh SIGS
Special Interest Group Activities
An important feature of SHOT is that it includes a number of special interest groups (SIGSs) who meet during our annual meeting.� In order to introduce all the members to all the SIGs, we are holding a special “Meet the SIGs Coffee Break” on Friday morning from 10-10.30 am.� During this event, representatives from each SIG will be available to meet with SHOT attendees and to answer questions.� If you have ever wondered “Who are the Jovians?” or “What does SMiTIng stand for?” then this event is for you.
The Albatrosses, whose interests cover all things relating to aviation and aerospace, will have an informal breakfast on Sunday morning, followed by a panel discussion (topic to be decided). To join the Albatrosses email list send a short email to Debbie Douglas (ddouglas@mit.edu).� More information will be available online and at the "Meet the SIGs" coffee break on Friday morning.
Computers, Information and Society
The SIG on Computers, Information and Society will have a pizza lunch on Friday. �The charge for regular attendees is $13.50 and $5 for graduate students, independent scholars and unemployed members (thanks to a subsidy from the SIG). �Please indicate your participation on the registration form.� The group is also organizing a day-long memorial conference on “Michael Mahoney and the Histories of Computing(s)” which will take place on Sunday from 9-5 pm.
Envirotech will hold a breakfast meeting on Saturday morning.� The cost for the breakfast will be $10 for grad students (thanks to support from the SIG) and $20 for others.� Please indicate your participation on the registration form.� On Sunday, it will hold a session on "Taking Risks: New Directions in the History of Technology and Environment."
The Jovians (electrical history) and the Mercurians (communications) will hold a joint lunch-time meeting on Saturday. People interested in coming to lunch should meet Andy Butrica and Jonathan Coopersmith in the main hotel lobby at 12.30 pm to walk to a local restaurant.� They’re also sponsoring a session on Sunday on a topic to be announced.
The Prometheans, the SIG concerned with improving ties between historians of technology and engineers, will hold a lunch-time meeting on Saturday at a restaurant near the Hilton.� People interested in coming to lunch should meet Ross Bassett and Jack Brown in the main hotel lobby at 12.30 pm to walk to a local restaurant.� Each person will pay individually.� The group is also hosting a walking tour on Sunday morning of Pittsburgh’s civil engineering landmarks.� For more information on the tour, please see the description in the section on SHOT tours.
SMiTInG, the SHOT Military Technology Interest Group, will convene on Sunday morning for a roundtable on “Why should we study the ‘social’ history of military technology?”
TEMSIG, the museum group, will hold a lunch-time meeting on Saturday at a restaurant near the Hilton.� People interested in coming to lunch should meet Allison Marsh in the main hotel lobby at 12.30 pm to walk to a local restaurant.� Each person will pay individually.� On Sunday, this group will meet to discuss "Public Historians of Technology: A Cross-Discipline Dialogue."
Tensions of Europe
The Tensions of Europe group will meet on Friday for pizza.� The charge for this lunch will be $13.50.� Please indicate your participation on the registration form.
Women in Technological History are planning a session on gender and career perspectives for Sunday morning.� They will also have a buffet lunch at the Hilton on Friday at 12.30 pm.� The cost of this lunch is $33 per person and $16.50 (thanks to support from the SIG) for graduate students and underemployed scholars.