SHOT St. Louis Call for Proposals: Open Sessions
SHOT Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri (USA), 11-14 October 2018
Individuals interested in finding others to join panel sessions for the Annual Meeting may propose Open Sessions, starting January 31, with a final deadline of March 15. Open Sessions proposals due March 15, 2018.
Open Sessions descriptions, along with organizer contact information, will appear as soon as possible on the SHOT website. (The earlier the proposal is sent to SHOT, the earlier it will be posted to the website.)
Submitting an open session proposal
Open Sessions proposals are limited to two pages total. The first page should include a title, session organizer name, and contact information at the top, followed by a paragraph or two clearly describing the proposed session topic or theme and its significance in the broader study of the history of technology.
Submit Open Session proposals in a single PDF or Word file to the secretary’s office at The secretary’s office will post the proposals on the SHOT-website.
Joining a proposed panel
For individuals who want to join a proposed panel from the Open Sessions list, please contact the organizer for that panel, not the Program Committee. In order to give the session organizer sufficient time to select proposals and assemble the final panel, the deadline for submitting your paper proposal to the organizer is March 24, 2018. Open Session organizers will then assemble full panel sessions and submit them to SHOT by March 31, 2018.
Go to the Call for Proposals: Open Sessions.