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March 2nd, 2020

New annual prize: Martha Trescott Prize

The Society for the History of Technology announces a new annual prize beginning 2020. The inaugural award will consist of a $500 check and a certificate. The winner will be honored at the Society’s awards banquet.

Martha Trescott was one of the pioneering spirits behind Women in Technological History (WITH). She wished to honor Frances McConnell Moore, Carroll Pursell, and Edwin T. Layton, Jr., with this prize.

The Martha Trescott Prize will be given annually for the best published essay in one of two areas. In even-numbered years, the prize will be awarded to an outstanding published historical essay in the area of women in technology. In odd-numbered years, the prize will be awarded to an outstanding published essay in the area of social responsibility of engineers in history.

Essays published in any of the four years preceding the award will be eligible; that is, for the 2020 prize, eligible essays will have been published in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. “Published essay” is understood to be a scholarly article, chapter in a published book, or other ‘long-form’ essay contribution. An essay can be nominated for the prize by a colleague or by the author.

To nominate an essay for the prize, please submit the nomination materials to the established prize portal on the SHOT website. A valid nomination will consist of a complete citation to the published essay, a scanned or downloaded PDF copy of the essay, and a brief 100-200 word description of its worthiness for that year’s prize. The deadline for 2020 nominations is 15 April 2020.

Find all information on the new Martha Trescott Prize here.


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