February 15th, 2021
Read the latest research and book reviews in Technology and Culture!

October 2020, Vol 61, No 4
Special Issue
Manufacturing Modernity: Innovations in Early Modern Europe
Manufacturing Modernity: Innovations in Early Modern Europe—An Introduction | Adam Lucas
A Politics of Intellectual Property: Creating a Patent System in Revolutionary France | Jérôme Baudry
Illuminated Publics: Representations of Street Lamps in Revolutionary France | Benjamin Bothereau
Producers and Consumers Negotiating Scale: Micro-Inventions in Eighteenth-century France and Britain | Marie Thébaud-Sorger
Machines, Motion, Mechanics: Philosophers Engineering the Fountains of Versailles | Luciano Boschiero
A New Perspective on the Natural Philosophy of Steams and its Relation to the Steam Engine | David Philip Miller
Public History
Public History Take 1: Historians of Technology Watching Chernobyl | The Editors
Chernobyl the TV Series: On Suspending the Truth or What’s the Benefit of Lies? | Sonja D. Schmid
Ukrainian Memory Spaces and Nuclear Technology: the Musealization of Chornobyl’s Disaster | Anna Veronika Wendland
Chernobyl as Technoscience | Eglė Rindzevičiūtė
Conference Report
Forty-Sixth Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology: “Technology and Power,” University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland (22–27 July 2019) | Sławomir Łotysz, Ciro Paoletti, Glen O’Sullivan, Kamna Tiwary, Magdalena Zdrodowska
Archives Revisited
Sixty-years of Scholarship | The Editors
Urban Transport and Mobility in Technology and Culture | Peter Norton
Book Reviews
Review of Technology: Critical History of a Concept by Eric Schatzberg | David E. Nye
Review of Fifty Years of Medieval Technology and Social Change edited by Steven A. Walton | Adam Lucas
Review of Alles im Fluss: Die Lebensadern unserer Gesellschaft [Everything Flows: The Lifeblood of our Society] by Dirk van Laak | Nil Disco
Review of Screen Culture: A Global History by Richard Butsch | Noah Arceneaux
Review of Technology and Rural Change in Eastern India 1830-1980 by Smritikumar Sarkar | Animesh Chatterjee
Review of Ceramics in Circumpolar Prehistory: Technology, Lifeways and Cuisine edited by Peter Jordan and Kevin Gibbs | Ian Gilligan
Review of Bored, Lonely, Angry, Stupid: Changing Feelings About Technology, From the Telegraph to Twitter by Luke Fernandez and Susan J. Matt | Martina Hessler
Review of Visualizing Taste: How Business Changed the Look of What You Eat by Ai Hisano | Barkha Kagliwal
Review of Delayed Response: The Art of Waiting from the Ancient to the Instant World by Jason Farman | David Zvi Kalman
Review of Managing the Experience of Hearing Loss in Britain, 1830–1930 by Grame Gooday and Karen Sayer | Coreen McGuire
Review of Archaeologies of Touch: Interfacing with Haptics from Electricity to Computers by David Parisi | Rachel Plotnick
Review of Silent Serial Sensations: The Wharton Brothers and the Magic of Early Cinema by Barbara Tepa Lupack | J. P. Telotte
Review of Electrified Voices: How the Telephone, Phonograph, and Radio Shaped Modern Japan, 1868-1945 by Kerim Yasar | Daqing Yang
Review of Spectacular Flops: Game-Changing Technologies That Failed by Michael Brian Schiffer | Jonathan Coopersmith
Review of Taking Nazi Technology: Allied Exploitation of German Science after the Second World War by Douglas O’Reagan | Bruce Seely
Review of The American Lab: An Insider’s History of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory by C. Bruce Tarter | Benjamin Sims
Review of The TVs of Tomorrow: How RCA’s Flat-Screen Dreams Led to the First LCDs by Benjamin Gross | Michael Aaron Dennis
Review of Transnational Cultures of Expertise. Circulating State-Related Knowledge in the 18th and 19th Centuries edited by Lothar Schilling and Jacob Vogel | Göran Rydén
Review of Die Versorgung der Hauptstadt der Bewegung. Infrastrukturen und Stadtgesellschaft im nationalsozialistischen München [Supplying the Capital of the Movement: Infrastructures and Urban Society in National Socialist Munich] by Mathias Irlinger | Jens Ivo Engels
Review of A River in the City of Fountains: An Environmental History of Kansas City and the Missouri River by Amahia K. Mallea | Brian Frehner
Review of Submarine Telegraphy and the Hunt for Gutta Percha: Challenge and Opportunity in a Global Trade by Helen Godfrey | Bruce J. Hunt
Review of Wege in die Digitale Gesellschaft: Computernutzung in der Bundesrepublik 1955-1990 [Towards a Digital Society: Computer Use in West Germany 1955-1990] edited by Frank Bösch | Corinna Schlombs
Review of Respawn: Gamers, Hackers, and Technogenic Life by Colin Milburn | Pieter Van den Heede
Review of When They Hid the Fire: A History of Electricity and Invisible Energy in America by Daniel French | Michael Kay
Review of Radio Soundings: South Africa and the Black Modern by Liz Gunner | Marissa J. Moorman
Review of Landscapes of Power: Politics of Energy in the Navajo Nation by Dana E. Powell | Caleb Wellum
Review of The Chinese and the Iron Road: Building the Transcontinental Railroad edited by Gordon H. Chang and Shelley Fisher Fishkin | Robert Cliver
Review of Harvest of Hazards: Family Farming, Accidents, and Expertise in the Corn Belt, 1940 -1975 by Derek S. Oden | Mark D. Hersey
Review of Toxic Shock: A Social History by Sharra L. Vostral | Donna J. Drucker
Review of Poisonous Skies: Acid Rain and the Globalization of Pollution by Rachel Emma Rothschild | Blair Stein
Review of Architectural Intelligence: How Designers and Architects Created the Digital Landscape by Molly Wright Steenson | Orit Halpern
Review of Think Tank Aesthetics: Midcentury Modernism, the Cold War, and the Neoliberal Present by Pamela M. Lee | B. Jack Hanly
Review of Behind the Exhibit: Displaying Science and Technology at World’s Fairs and Museums in the Twentieth Century edited by Elena Canadelli, Marco Beretta, and Laura Ronzon | Morris Low