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March 15th, 2024

SHOT Chile: Early Career Group 2024 Workshop

Call for Proposals: SHOT Early Career Group 2024 Workshop (Proposals Due: March 31, 2024)

The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) Early Career Interest Group (ECIG) invites graduate students to submit 250-300 word paper proposals for an intensive workshop at the SHOT annual meeting in Viña del Mar, Chile, 9-14 July.

The workshop will provide graduate students with an opportunity to discuss their work in progress and to receive extensive feedback on their work from established scholars and their peers.The organizers of the workshop will connect workshop participants with mentors working on similar topics so they receive tailored commentary on their work and the opportunity to network with scholars in their field.

We especially encourage early-stage research explorations and budding works in progress, including critical literature reviews, research excerpts from dissertation proposals, reworked class papers, or speculative research explorations. As with the annual meeting, we also encourage papers that explore anew what has traditionally been centered or overlooked in discussions about the relationship between technology and power

Each selected participant will have 15-20 minutes to present a summary of their paper, and to note key areas where feedback would be most valuable; followed by 15 minutes for questions and feedback from mentors, panel attendants, and the organizers. The workshop will be mediated by the ECIG representatives. Accepted students will need to register for the conference (lower registration rate for graduate students).

 The deadline for proposals is March 31, 2024. Accepted participants will be expected to submit a short paper (roughly 2500-5000 words excluding footnotes) no later than June 15, 2024.

Submission Instructions: Please send 250-300 word paper proposals to jdl328@cornell.edu and shot.ecig@gmail.com. In your proposal, please include your name, email, institution, and a short description of your field/subfield



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