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Dear Publishers, Advertisers and SHOT Sponsors,

As promised, please find an updated overview of all available options below.

Also, the booking form for all options is on-line now: https://shotsecretariat.wufoo.com/forms/book-exhibit-advertising-shot-annual-meeting-z1vtgsb304t5p7r/

Please mail to [email protected] in case of

After our initial mailing with Partnership and Sponsoring Opportunities, partially based on a successful meeting in New Orleans, we present the updated Partnership Opportunities  for the SHOT Annual Meeting 2023,

25-29 October, Hyatt Long Beach Hotel (California)

We hope that we can welcome you at SHOT’s Annual Meeting 2023, and that you will find the fitting opportunity in our offer. If not, please contact us to discuss alternatives and or additions to our offers.


The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) was formed in 1958 to encourage the study of the development of technology and its relations with society and culture.

25-29 October 2023: SHOT Annual Meeting 2023, Long Beach (California)

All our options will be available up to 1 October 2023, as soon as the booking form is online, we will send you an updated concept and the link to the form.


We have several ways to connect with our members at our annual conference and also offer year-round advertising options

During the SHOT Annual Meeting 2023 we will be organizing a physical book exhibit: The book exhibit will be centrally located close to the main conference desk and will be the main space for coffee breaks. You will have the opportunity to build your exhibit on the Thursday between 9AM and Noon, breakdown on Saturday 6PM (or after the Da Vinci Award Reception, at your convenience)

We offer all book exhibiters the opportunity to use the SHOT room block and conference hotel rate:

Here is SHOT’s unique reservation link: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/LGBRL/G-FILG

Book Exhibition, Hyatt Long Beach Hotel, 4th Floor

Ability to display one book at the joint display table at SHOT ANNUAL MEETING 2023
Your organization name will be included in our sponsor list, on the SHOT conference pages. Additional books can be added for $100 per book.
Books will be donated to Students in the conference giveaway at closing day or donated to a local (University) Library.

1/4 page ad in conference program
OR Small (1/4) company ad in one SHOT newsletter in 2023

Exhibit table at SHOT ANNUAL MEETING 2023.
Name and Logo on SHOT ANNUAL MEETING 2023 conference page
Ability to participate in conference book giveaway on closing day
One registration to SHOT ANNUAL MEETING 2023 (value $200)
Access to SHOT’s Coffee breaks

All items of option 2
1/4 page ad in conference program
1/4 page ad in SHOT last 2023 E-newsletter

All items of options 2
1/4 page ad in conference program
1/4 page ad in all remaining 2023 SHOT E-Newsletters
Ad on SHOT website for one full month of choice

Additional options

Do you want a complete book table, but cannot attend yourself: please contact us. Note

Annual Meeting Sponsoring Options Note ****:

*        If there is a surplus after organizing the Student Mixer the amount will be added to SHOT student fund for future meetings

Advertising Options 2023

SHOT is offering various advertising options:

Advertising related to SHOT Annual Meeting and Conference Program and specific events 2023

All above mentioned advertising options include your listing on the sponsor page of our program

All year round opportunities:


Institutional Sponsoring/Donations****:

Sponsor any SHOT activity, Hybrid session, Travel Grant, or support REDI, and receive a “free” student registration with each $500 donation.

All sponsors will be listed on the SHOT Annual Meeting pages and in the Program

For information, options, suggestions, and/or specific preferences, please contact Sonja Beekers, SHOT Assistant Secretary, [email protected]


Please also note:

SHOT Annual Meeting 2024, Co-organized with ICOTHEC, Santiago, Chile



SHOT provides, per booked Exhibit table: 1 six foot table, 1 draped linen, small trash can, chair (including set-up fee as charged by the hotel). Access to the SHOT Coffee breaks for one representative and the possibility to go to SHOT’s session (except for the Opening, Da Vinci, special events and/or Receptions). Exhibit fee also includes: 1. existing lighting 2. standard heating and/or air conditioning. Set up and dismantle days are within the SHOT meeting schedule.

Exhibit Rental does not include: 1. drayage 2. decoration 3. labor 4. guard/security service 5. cleaning or janitorial services 6. electrical power or set-up (beyond normal use, as determined by Hotel) 7. gas (beyond normal use, as determined by Hotel) 8. water (beyond normal use, as determined by Hotel) 9. Handling of and/or receiving packages 10. pre or post storage above the week prior to the meeting

All payments are due at least 4 weeks before the actual meeting dates.

All sponsoring and or donations are tax deductible within several states of the USA, please request your invoice after the meeting

*materials to be delivered to Venue one week before the meeting

**for any sponsoring over $2000 we will add one additional free registration

***If SHOT decides to use a conference app, all listed sponsors will also be listed in the app

**** All sponsoring and/or donations are tax deductible within several states of the USA, please request your invoice after the meeting, [email protected]

*****Do you want to have an exhibit table, but you cannot travel to Long Beach: we can look into options for manning your table for you. Just let me know.

Note: if, due to any circumstances SHOT is forced to cancel the In Person Meeting we will automatically move the Book Exhibition to Virtual. Ads and other additional items will still be executed, Exhibition bookings will be transferred to a online exhibit option: BUT all additional tables and representatives booked will be reimbursed -minus transfer costs-, as well as charges for inlay, marketing item and/or lanyards. Any Exhibit bookings after SHOT moves to virtual will be charged at $750 for a full accessible self-controlled company page.