Submit open session proposals to be posted on the SHOT website:
Individuals and groups interested in finding others to join an organized session can submit an open session proposal to be posted on the SHOT website. Submit a 150-250 word abstract describing the proposed session, the type of papers you are looking for, and contact information (name, affiliation, email address) for the session organizer(s). SHOT will post the proposals in the open sessions list on the SHOT website. The open sessions list will be updated daily until March 15th, 2023, so make sure to submit your proposal in time.
Joining an open session proposal:
Those interested in participating in a session listed on the open sessions list should contact the organizer(s) of that session directly. Make sure that you leave sufficient time for the session organizer(s) to prepare and submit a fully assembled session proposal to the program committee.
From open session proposal to fully assembled SHOT 2023 session proposal:
Based on the abstracts received open session organizers have to create and submit a fully assembled session proposal (either a traditional session proposal or an unconventional session proposal) to the program committee. If needed, it is possible to submit a “thread” consisting of two and at most three connected sessions. Please find further information below.
The deadline for submitting the full session proposals is April 1, 2023.
The program committee accepts proposals of the following types:
Traditional (fully assembled) session proposals:
Sessions of 3 or 4 papers, with a session chair listed in the proposal. You may also list a commentator. Please note: If a commentator has a central role in the session (e.g., a titled commentary), we suggest that there be only 3 papers in the session.
Especially if compiled based on an open session proposal, sessions may be organized into a “thread” consisting of two and at most three sessions, which the program committee will strive to schedule in consecutive sessions in the same room.
All session proposals must include:
Unconventional sessions:
SHOT actively encourages unconventional sessions. In addition to formats as work-in-progress sessions, roundtables, flash-talks, unconference sessions, and interactive workshops, we will consider other known and unknown session formats including but not limited to Pecha-Kucha, syllabus sharing, video screening and discussion, and author-meets-critic sessions (for recently published books), as well as sessions and workshops held outside of normal conference hours. Sessions typically run 90 minutes. If you are unsure about the acceptability of an unconventional session format or require specific resources, please feel free to reach out directly to the members of the program committee.
Unconventional session proposals should:
Individual abstracts may be submitted directly to the program committee. However, the program committee will give preference to pre-organized session proposals, whether traditional, unconventional, assembled open sessions, and abstracts that cohere with other submitted individual abstracts.
Individual abstracts:
Diversity and Inclusion Statement
SHOT seeks to expand our membership base and to extend the scope of those who participate in our annual meeting. As such, those assembling organized sessions, whether based on a traditional or open session proposal, are encouraged to take a proactive stance in including individuals such as:
Those organizing session proposals are asked to submit a brief statement that describes the composition of their panel in a way that addresses such approaches to inclusion and the efforts that were made to create an inclusive environment for historical scholarship.