The SHOT Annual Meeting 2020 would be held jointly with the History of Science Society.Because of COVID-19, we were unable to meet in person in New Orleans in 2020. SHOT and HSS are now organizing a Virtual Conference 8-11 October 2020. You can find all information here.
That SHOT and the Society for the History of Science originally have chosen to co-locate in New Orleans in 2020, the 15th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the 10th anniversary of the Deep Horizon oil spill, is no small matter. This co-mingling of associations offers scholars a splendid opportunity to reflect on the relationship between the environment, infrastructure, and social justice and how these elements contribute to the ongoing story of New Orleans and to the maintenance of our modern world.
The Program Committee reviewed all proposals and designed the session program. As the 2020 New Orleans meeting would be a joint SHOT-HSS meeting they also collaborated with their HSS colleagues. Following this collaboration you also will find joint sessions on the program, sessions that are of interest to SHOT and HSS members.
Download the, original physical meeting, preliminary session program (first version 24 June) here.
Main meeting venue would have been the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, 500 Canal Street in New Orleans.
Go to the the Call for Proposals and the online submission pages.
Please note that the deadline for submitting proposals of February 29, 2020 has passed. It is no longer possible to submit proposals.