We are preparing to finally welcome our members, scholars, partners, publishers, back at our IN PERSON meeting in NOLA:
2022 November 10-13, 2022, SHOT Annual Meeting
Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana
- We anticipate 400 to 500 in-person attendees In New Orleans, 2022.
- SHOT considers introducing some hybrid meeting components and using a conference app. For more detailed information please contact us at [email protected]
- If the COVID pandemic so requires, we will have infectious disease protocols in place during the event, including those imposed by the venue, the county health department, and any state directives.
On the linked pages (here) you will find a full overview of opportunities, here are a few of our highlights
- Present a single book for $250, any additional for $150 extra
- Book table $550, (any additional for $375,) including a full registration, and company name and logo on the Conference page
- Sponsor options for the Plenary Opening, the Opening Reception, Student Mixer and Coffee breaks
- Various advertising options, starting at $150
- Several additional items and/or combinations possible
We hope that we can welcome you at SHOT’s Annual Meeting 2022, and that you will find the fitting opportunity in our offer. If not, please contact us!
Please also note our 2023 date: 25-29 October 2023: SHOT Annual Meeting 2023, Long Beach (California)
The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) was formed in 1958 to encourage the study of the development of technology and its relations with society and culture.
- SHOT is focused on both the history of technological systems/devices/processes and with the relationship of technology to politics, economics, science, the arts, and the organization of production in society.
- SHOT has about 1,500 individual and institutional members and over 5000 contacts from some thirty-five countries throughout the world, representing a wide range of disciplines and professions, from history and humanities to engineering and science.
- SHOT publishes the professional journal Technology and Culture.
- SHOT publishes a regular E-newsletter and Newsflashes
- SHOT hosts an annual conference every fall.
Annual Meeting 2022 venue:
2022 November 10-13, 2022, SHOT Annual Meeting
Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana
- We anticipate 400 to 500 in-person attendees this year.
- SHOT considers introducing some hybrid meeting components and using a conference app. For more detailed information please contact us at [email protected]
- If the COVID pandemic so requires, we will have infectious disease protocols in place during the event, including those imposed by the venue, the county health department, and any state directives.
We have several ways to connect with our members at our annual conference and also offer year-round advertising options
In New Orleans during the Annual Meeting 2022 we are organizing a physical book exhibit: The book exhibit will be centrally located close to the main conference desk and the main space for coffee breaks.