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May 10th, 2023


Dear SHOT members, We’ve had reports that spam messages are circulating, appearing to come from SHOT President Gabrielle Hecht. She does not, in fact, require “assistance with SHOT logistical support transfer matter!” Please do not click on any links in these messages. These are going only to SHOT members, but otherwise we have not figured out…

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April 30th, 2023

SHOT Awards, Prizes and Grants

SHOT Awards, Prizes and Grants With the deadline being 30 April 2023 we want to inform all that: Applications for Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize are still possible, up to 2 months before the actual meeting. Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits has an extended deadline, 15 May 2023 Eugene S. Ferguson Prize has an…

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April 27th, 2023


WARNING ABOUT FRAUDULENT E-MAILS April 27, 2023 Several people with connections to SHOT are currently receiving fraudulent requests for economic support signed by Gabrielle Hecht (typical  e-mail title: SHOT ASSISTANCE APPEAL). The e-mail sender so far has been: “Gabrielle Hecht <associationhead2020@gmail.com>”, although additional e-mail addresses are also used. Please be all assured that neither myself…

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February 10th, 2023

The Department of History at Stanford University invites applications for a 3-year Lecturer position in any sub-field and historical period.

The Department of History at Stanford University invites applications for a 3-year Lecturer position in any sub-field and historical period. The teaching load is 6 undergraduate courses each academic year. Two of these courses will be offered through Stanford’s COLLEGE program, and four will be offered in the History Department. The position will also assist with developing…

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February 8th, 2023

University of Portsmouth, working with the National Railway Museum offers a PhD opportunity

‘Give him sympathy and a helping hand’: Understanding the impact of occupational accidents and disability on English and Welsh railway staff and their families in England and Wales, 1897-1939′ The project will be supervised by Mike Esbester (University of Portsmouth, UK), Karen Baker (Library Manager, National Railway Museum, UK) and Cathryn Pearce (University of Portsmouth,…

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February 6th, 2023

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announced an open call for grants supporting original research in the history of science, technology, economics, and social science.  

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a not-for-profit grantmaking institution funding research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and economics. The Foundation just announced an open call for grants supporting original research in the history of science, technology, economics, and social science. We are inviting letters of inquiry for dissertation improvement/completion projects (up to $75,000)…

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February 6th, 2023

European Research Council funded project CLIMASAT is recruiting 2 postdocs and 1 PhD student

European Research Council funded project CLIMASAT is recruiting 2 postdocs and 1 PhD student The project CLIMASAT explores the origins of the practices and processes of producing, circulating and using data generated with Earth-orbiting satellites. The goal is to understand, historically informed, how the various ways in which satellite data were collectively negotiated, shared, maintained and used were co-produced with…

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January 26th, 2023

Royal Society Publishing: Calling all historians of science – enter Notes and Records Essay Award

Calling all historians of science – enter the 7th Notes and Records Essay Award Notes and Records reports on current research and archival activities across the history of science, technology and medicine. Our Essay Award is open to researchers from the above fields who have completed a postgraduate degree within the last 5 years.  Further information is at https://royalsocietypublishing.org/rsnr/essay-award and the…

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November 14th, 2022

Proposed amendments SHOT Constitution Approved

The proposed Amendments of the SHOT Constitution have been approved unanimously by the SHOT members present at the SHOT Business Meeting –  Creating SHOT’s Future: A Community Meeting – in New Orleans on 12 November 2022. The amended constitution will be posted on the website shortly.

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