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March 2nd, 2018

The Dibner Award

The Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits was established in 1985, through the generosity of Bern Dibner, to recognize excellence in museums and museum exhibits that interpret the history of technology, industry, and engineering to the general public. Winning exhibits, in addition to being well designed and produced, should raise pertinent historical issues. Artifacts…

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January 31st, 2018

SHOT St. Louis Call for Proposals: Open Sessions

SHOT Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri (USA), 11-14 October 2018 Individuals interested in finding others to join panel sessions for the Annual Meeting may propose Open Sessions, starting January 31, with a final deadline of March 15. Open Sessions proposals due March 15, 2018. Open Sessions descriptions, along with organizer contact information, will appear as…

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November 28th, 2017

Results SHOT-Elections 2017

This year’s ballot included candidates for the Executive Council, the Editorial Committee and the Nominating Committee. The Executive Council is SHOT’s governing board and works with the Society’s officers to plan and set policy. The Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting individuals to run for office and preparing the slate of candidates for each year’s…

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November 6th, 2017

SHOT Panel: Thinking With Ann Johnson

The Society for the History of Technology held its annual meeting in Philadelphia in late October 2017. It was the first SHOT meeting since the death of engineering historian Ann Johnson on December 11, 2016. To celebrate her life and call attention to her lasting contributions to the field, several of her colleagues organized a…

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November 2nd, 2017

2017 SHOT Awards Announced

SHOT-president John Krige and former SHOT-president Francesca Bray announced the various 2017 Awards October 28 at the Awards Banquet at the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia. You can find all information in the awards booklet.

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November 2nd, 2017


This year’s ballot included candidates for the Executive Council, Nominating Committee, and Editorial Committee. The Executive Council is SHOT’s governing board and works with the Society’s officers to plan and set policy. The Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting individuals to run for office and preparing the slate of candidates for each year’s election. The…

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